The SFAC is a grass roots coalition that has support in California, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Arkansas and Wyoming. Our primary emphasis is on ecosystem restoration on our public lands. Through proper restoration of our watersheds and forests, we strive to return our rural counties and related timber products and bio-energy infrastructure back to a social and economic sustainable level.
Watershed Restoration:
View the upper watershed restoration work to repair deeply incised meadows. Work is in the Upper Feather River Watershed in Northeastern California.

Forest Restoration:
The series of photos above illustrate the tremendous large fuel and crowded stand conditions in many of our public lands forests (first photo); forest landscape view of overstocked and stands that are impacted by drought and insect and disease (second photo); a treated stand within the wildland urban interface (third photo) and a managed eastside pine site that is now ready for historic under-burns and prescribed fire.
Fire and Watershed Impacts:
Many of our watersheds are being impacted by fire and we are losing our riparian zones as well as decreasing the overall water quality due to erosion and siltation post fire.