Board of Supervisors
El Dorado County is governed by a five member Board of Supervisors elected to represent districts for four year terms. Both Placerville and South Lake Tahoe operate with a Mayor/City Council form of government. Revenues for local government are primarily provided from the following sources: Property taxes, sales taxes, license/permit fees, gas tax, cigarette tax, alcoholic beverage tax, assessment districts and franchise fees. Throughout the county, franchise arrangements are used for private sector participation in providing cable television, garbage service, water service, natural gas and electricity.
Governmental Zoning and Land Use
El Dorado County is governed by a comprehensive general plan. Land use issues are addressed by the County Planning Commission with final authority resting with the Board of Supervisors. The County Planning Department operates a streamlined Permit Center to provide fast processing of applications with priority given to new businesses locating in the county. The City of Placerville and the City of South Lake Tahoe each operate their own planning departments and administer their own zoning requirements.
Public Safety
The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office provides service to the unincorporated areas of the county with a force of 375, including 170 sworn officers. A variety of special programs are operated, including the Special Emergency Response Team (SERT), Crisis Negotiation Team, Boat Patrol – including the only kayak patrol in California, and an extensive neighborhood watch program partly comprised of a senior citizen volunteer program called the Sheriff’s Team of Active Retirees (STAR). The department also operates a search and rescue team comprised of more than 150 volunteers with specialties in tracking, Nordic skiing, rock climbing, etc. The search and rescue team is a model for California counties and provides training to other communities.
The El Dorado County District Attorney’s office also has many public safety services for the public, including but not limited to, a fraud division.
The City of Placerville Police Department has 18 sworn officers, the City of South Lake Tahoe has 54 sworn officers. The Placerville Police Department recently instituted a two person bicycle patrol in the downtown area, providing high visibility and mobility while bringing back the old fashioned neighborhood “beat cop.” Seventeen local fire prevention units serve the county.
In addition, fire protection is provided by the California Department of Forestry and the U.S. Forest Service. The insurance classification for the County from the Pacific Board of Fire Underwriters is as follows: Placerville: 5/9; Adjacent areas: 4 – 10; South Lake Tahoe area: 5/9.
Business Licenses
El Dorado County (530) 621-5800
Placerville (530) 642-5220
South Lake Tahoe (530) 542-6000
Building Permits/Zoning
Planning Departments
El Dorado County (530) 621-5355
City of Placerville (530) 642-5252
City of South Lake Tahoe (530) 573-2020
For More Information
El Dorado County –
City of Placerville –
City of South Lake Tahoe –